




Selenium Testing Course


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CATEGORIES:Software Training Course

A Selenium testing course typically covers the fundamentals and advanced concepts of using Selenium for automated testing of web applications. Selenium is a widely-used open-source tool for automating web browsers, primarily used for testing purposes. Here's an outline of what you might expect to learn in a Selenium testing course:

  • Introduction to Automated Testing:

    • Understanding the need for automated testing.

    • Advantages and disadvantages of automated testing.

    • Introduction to Selenium and its role in automated testing.

  • Setting Up Your Environment:

    • Installing necessary software and tools (e.g., Java, Python, Selenium WebDriver).

    • Configuring IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA.

  • Basic Selenium Concepts:

    • Understanding Selenium WebDriver and its architecture.

    • Locating elements on a web page using various locators (ID, name, class name, XPath, CSS selectors).

    • Interacting with web elements (clicking buttons, filling forms, handling dropdowns, etc.).

    • Handling alerts, pop-ups, and frames.

  • Advanced Selenium Techniques:

    • Working with dynamic elements and waits (explicit, implicit, and fluent waits).

    • Handling multiple windows and tabs.

    • Executing JavaScript code using Selenium WebDriver.

    • Managing cookies and browser settings.

  • Test Automation Frameworks:

    • Introduction to test automation frameworks like TestNG (for Java) or pytest (for Python).

    • Organizing tests into suites and groups.

    • Running tests in parallel.

    • Generating test reports and logs.

  • Data-Driven Testing:

    • Reading test data from external sources (Excel, CSV, databases).

    • Parameterizing tests to run with different data sets.

    • Data providers and data-driven annotations (e.g., @DataProvider in TestNG).

  • Page Object Model (POM):

    • Understanding the Page Object Model design pattern.

    • Implementing POM for better test maintainability and reusability.

    • Page Factory concept.

  • Handling Test Framework Integration:

    • Integrating Selenium tests with build tools (e.g., Maven, Gradle).

    • Running tests in Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines (e.g., Jenkins, Travis CI).

  • Best Practices and Tips:

    • Writing maintainable and scalable test code.

    • Handling synchronization issues.

    • Error handling and debugging techniques.

    • Performance optimization for Selenium tests.

  • Real-world Projects and Case Studies:

    • Practical exercises and hands-on projects to apply the concepts learned.

    • Solving real-world testing challenges.

    • Code reviews and best practices discussions.

  • Advanced Topics (Optional):

    • Selenium Grid for parallel test execution.

    • Headless browser testing with tools like PhantomJS or Headless Chrome.

    • Mobile testing with Selenium and Appium.

  • Conclusion and Next Steps:

    • Recap of key concepts covered.

    • Further resources for continuous learning.

    • Career paths and opportunities in test automation.

Courses may vary in content and depth based on the target audience (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and the specific goals of the course provider. It's essential to choose a course that aligns with your current skill level and learning objectives.

  • Get Trained by Industry Experts
  • Selenium Testing Online Training
  • 10+ Real-time Projects
  • 100% Career -Oriented Training
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